Inspiring a Community Through Faith, Ministry and Family

Serving Our Community in Pinellas Park

Faithfulness and

the Gift of Redemption

Faithfulness is a steadfast commitment to one's beliefs, mirrored in our devotion to Christ and the promises of His word. The gift of redemption, offered through Jesus, is a testament to God's unending love and grace for humanity. In being faithful, we align our actions and thoughts with divine purpose, acknowledging the transformative power of redemption in our lives. Every act of faithfulness brings us closer to understanding the depth and breadth of the redemptive gift bestowed upon us. Through unwavering faithfulness, our ministry not only honors God but also realizes the profound impact of redemption in reshaping our destiny.

 He decrees – through sincere humbleness, fasting and prayer.

Joel 2:12

“Yet even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;

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 Salvation: The Journey of Devotion and the Price of Redemption

Salvation originates from the conscious acknowledgment of our place within the universe, intricately designed by the Creator.


He provided the Ten Commandments as instructions and guidelines that emphasize our need to obey and follow in order to live a life that is approved and accepted by Him.


Disobedience and lawlessness carry both immediate and eternal consequences. The deviation, alteration, or cancellation of His laws necessitates punishment and consequence, but his immense and overwhelming love seeks to spare us all.


Upon the realization that no ordinary sacrifice would suffice for the grave sin and iniquity of man. Jesus offered himself, which provided a divine manifestation on Earth, as a sinless being who endured immense and agonizing suffering for humanity's redemption, although he was initially rejected.


He sacrificed himself for us! Praise Him!

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Led by Faith: Ministering and Serving in Today's World

Faith is the tangible belief in things that are real but unseen, including the gratifying journey of salvation. Tommy Pat Ministries meets the needs of others, as the Holy Spirit meets us, while guiding those who are spiritually asleep or lukewarm, those lost in sin, apostate believers, and those wandering without guidance closer to Jesus Christ.


Our ministry provides direction and answers to the most sought-after questions, striving with the Holy Spirit to make an impact in today's world for ourselves and our families in these difficult and turbulent times.

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Your Journey to Salvation: Acknowledgment, Atonement, and Renewal

To start the journey of salvation, one must recognize their transgressions and iniquities and acknowledge the consequences of their actions.


Salvation involves the pursuit of God's gracious mercy, repentance, and acceptance of His sacrifice, which is usually symbolized through baptism and the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' holy name.


Our Christian rebirth compels us to live for God, Jesus, and the comforting Holy Spirit by committing to prayer, scripture, and evangelism.


The Messiah's resurrection reaffirms our potential for holiness and is led by the same force that resurrected Jesus. Amen!

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The Pathway After Salvation

After salvation, nurturing one's faith in Christ involves a daily commitment to prayer and seeking intimate conversations with the Lord and His Holy Spirit, which leads us as we walk in faith.


It involves delving deeper into the Scriptures to enrich our understanding and offer guidance and wisdom for the journey ahead.


Join a community and ministry of believers that provides support, accountability, and a shared purpose of strengthening and aligning one's relationship and life with Christ. Embracing acts of service and love reflects Jesus' teachings while cementing faith through action.


Continuous introspection and repentance ensure that one's faith remains pure and steadfast, drawing one even closer to the heart of Christ.

 James 2:26 

 “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

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In Giving, We Receive

Tommy Pat Ministries firmly believes in the fruitfulness of giving from a place of joy. Tithing is a spiritual act of devotion and commitment, and it is a requirement.


With the understanding that your gracious donations help in our burning desire to share God's love while positively aiming to benefit neighborhoods and communities.


Our ministry encourages our congregation to give or tithe with a good and open heart. Join us as we embark on this inspiring journey of faith and giving as we assemble together to change the world one Scripture at a time.


We appreciate your involvement in our mission!

Luke 6:38

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Digital Ministry: Leveraging Technology for Outreach

In today's digital age, streaming services and platforms have become indispensable tools for a ministry seeking to broaden its reach and connect with a global audience. By harnessing the power of these platforms, digital ministries can share sermons, worship sessions, and Bible studies in real time, breaking geographical and time barriers.


Tommy Pat Ministries implements streaming services that not only cater to members who might be unable to attend in person but also introduce the ministry to curious seekers from various cultural and demographic backgrounds.


The interactive features on many streaming platforms, like chat and comments, enable real-time engagement, fostering a sense of community and belonging even in a digital space. As the landscape of communication continues to evolve, embracing streaming services ensures that digital ministries remain relevant, accessible, and impactful in their mission.

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Connect with Tommy Pat  Ministries: Reach Out and Be Inspired

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I expect when joining Tommy Pat Ministries ?

    When stepping into Tommy Pat Ministries, a ministry that supports and encourages transformation, one can immediately sense the ministry's profound dedication to the infallible truths of Scripture, offering guidance and wisdom for every believer. New members of the ministry can anticipate being enveloped by a supportive community eager to share, grow, and journey together in faith. Tommy Pat Ministries, at its core, believes in active discipleship, ensuring every individual is equipped with the tools and understanding they need to navigate their Christian path. Joining this ministry means becoming part of a family, and fellowship is committed to reflection, prayer, and action, encapsulating the essence of Christ's teachings in everyday life.

  • Do you accept online prayer requests?

    Yes, we do! You can send us a prayer request by completing the form on our website. 

    Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to help! You can contact us on 727-201-4803

  • What is the best way to get in contact?

    Our ministry can be contacted at : or call us at 727-201-4803.


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